Q is for Quality Time.
Usually, like a currency we spend time on things that we know will give us something in return or will be beneficial to us. But see the difference between money & time is this, the value of our money doesn't decrease depending on it's quality. We've all come across a £10 note thats been ripped in half & cello taped back together yet when you spent it, it was still valued as ten pounds right?
But see, time is different. Whatever you consume your time with can be enhanced or hindered depending on the quality of the time you spend. This is very obviously seen in parenthood, nowadays it's not uncommon to hear someone say they had a parent who was present but never active. You see they spent their time around their children but they never really gave them any quality time. They never sat and read to them or asked them how their day at school was, they never spent the time really getting to know them in a way we as humans want to be cared about.
It is widely known that we give more time to the things we love most. If it weren't true then we wouldn't have words such as procrastination! ha! Nevertheless, our time is rendered pretty much useless unless we dedicate ourselves to the task at hand. Imagine writing a two thousand word essay, it took you days to complete it but all that it contained was trivial information because you didn't spend the time doing additional reading. You'd still get a low grade despite the hours you spent on it.
I would like to be able to sit here and say that I honestly put quality time into everything that I do, but that wouldn't be true. Whilst it would be ideal, realistically it would be physically and mentally exhausting. Yet, the results would be worth it!
So, I dare you. Increase the quality of your time & go that extra mile.
I like this. You actually gave me another concept to the whole 'spending time' thing, heres me thinking i've been utilising my time efficiently. I ACCEPT THE DARE!
Im Everywhere.
I'm glad you felt challenged and accepted the dare!! Let me know how it goes!?